Monday, July 23, 2012

[Shinya Shokudou - Chapter 7] Tomatoes Wrapped in Pork Belly

The assignment for this week's Shinya Shokudou cooking club is Tomatoes Wrapped in Pork Belly (五花肉蕃茄卷 or 豚バラトマト巻き). I'm glad that it's a simple challenge as I had been clocking quite a number of overtime hours at work this week. The dish itself is really nothing more than what the name suggests - you wrap tomatoes with pork belly slices and you grill them up, that's it. The tomato becomes soft and sweet after grilling and the natural fat from the pork belly actually enhances the flavour. They are always a crowd pleaser whenever we serve them at our family BBQ. Some people like to use bacon instead of pork belly slices because in that case you don't even have to worry about seasoning. To make it substantial enough as a dish for dinner tonight I threw in some leeks and Japanese green peppers I had in the fridge since I'm already firing up the oven anyway.

Cherry tomatoes 
Pork belly, thinly sliced 
A dash of salt and black pepper 
Bamboo skewers 

1. Place bamboo skewers in water to soak. 
2. Cut the pork belly strips into half-length. Put the cherry tomato towards the end of the pork belly strip, wrap tight and thread them onto the skewer. Season with salt and pepper. 
3. Heat up the oven to 200C and grill until the pork belly turns brown and crisp, about 5 minutes on each side. For better results, use a grill (with medium high heat) Serve immediately.

Let's check out the other members' dishes this week!



  1. oh, after reading your blog, I finally know what is 五花肉, thank you.

    1. Haha... I'm glad that I'm educating everyone.

  2. I'd love to try the pork belly version instead of using bacon.. but can't find any pork belly slices here!

    Again, your pic is awesome! Love the composition. And the watermark is really cute. Now I am seriously thinking to use one on my pics as well, hehe.

    1. yes yes, u 2's pics are really nice, i wanna learn how to take these professional pics too

    2. Oh I forgot to mention the picture is courtesy of Mr. Bear this time! 照片拍得美美的,其實完全是Mr. Bear那顆名貴鏡頭的功勞,跟我的攝影技術一點關係也沒有啊!
